We used to call our daughter, Maura Moviestar, because she is full of life, dramatic, and loves being the center of attention. Lately, it seems like a better name for her might be Maura Comedienne because she has been coming up with some doozies. Here are a few of her latest one-liners.
When talking about Griffin getting to be a big boy...
Maura: He's almost a big boy. He just needs to learn to use the potty, right?
Me: Yes. I'm tired of changing diapers.
Maura: Me too.
Me: (pause)...but you don't change diapers...
Maura: No, but I'm tired of watching you change them.
Maura crawls into our bed early one morning and puts her ice cold feet on my back.
Me: Ahhh, go get some socks. Your feet are freezing.
Maura: Am I making you colder?
Me: Yes.
Maura: (indignant) Well, you're making me hotter!
After seeing Mike with his shirt off...
Maura: Daddy, your back needs a haircut.
After telling Maura to stop yelling at her little brother...
Maura: Sorry Mom, I was just pretending to be a mommy.
While getting undressed...
Maura: Excuse me, Mommy. I need privacy, please.
Me: What if I just turn my head?
Maura: But you have eyes in the back of your head too.
Maura: A dragon wouldn't make a very good pet.
Yelling from the potty--
Maura: Hey Mom, want to hear a joke?
Have a great weekend!
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