
Sunday, January 13, 2013

What I Wore Sunday-- channeling my inner Kate Middleton

Hi everybody!  Linking up for another edition of What I Wore Sunday with the wonderful women at Fine Linen and Purple.

It has been cold here.  Super cold.  And after living in the sunny and warm desert of Las Vegas for four years, my body is in shock.  Get me back to the desert-- QUICKLY!

As a result, I've been wearing lots of skirts and dresses with boots to church, but it's getting too cold I tell you.  Too cold.

So, I'm trying to find new ways to wear pants to church without looking like I'm going to work. 

Today, I tried to emulate another lady who lives in a cold, damp city-- Kate Middleton.


Mike bought me red skinny jeans for Christmas, and I am the queen of blazers, so I thought I'd try to recreate a similar outfit.  Here's my attempt.

it may be sunny, but it sure is cold

The details:

black blazer: Banana Republic (part of my job interview/funeral suit)
fancy ruffled t-shirt: J. Crew (I need a new one)
red skinny jeans: J. Crew

And I have to give credit where credit is due.  All 3 littles were AWESOME at mass today!  So we promptly took them to... 


I got a jelly donut in case you were wondering.

It's going to be a great day.  I can feel it.

Happy Sunday everyone! 

Go check out all the other great outfits at Fine Linen and Purple!


  1. I wore red, black and white today too but I am loving your version much better. I have a black blazer and am kicking myself for not thinking of wearing it instead of the suffocating sweater I wore instead. Thanks for the inspiration! I'll be wearing my black blazer with my red skinnies real soon!

  2. Mmm, donuts. There's a local place here that just started making Nutella cream donuts. Oh, gaw- I want one! Cute outfit!

  3. I think this translates from your inspiration shot beautifully! And really how can you go wrong with red skinnies :) Donuts are our Mass behavior reward as well....powerful little disks I tell ya!

  4. LOVE the jeans. I thought you'd do a scarf like Kate - are you a scarf girl? You look fantastic and I hope the day goes as well as you hope!!!

  5. Your outfit is fabulous, I love those red skinny pants, you are rocking it!

  6. You look gorgeous! I wish I could pull off these skinny way!
    So, if you are the queen of blazers, can you give some suggestions on the best places to find great ones??? I only have one, bit I LOVE it and wear it to death.

  7. You look amazing! I'm starting to feel convicted about the colored jeans thing. I have to wait until things are aaaaaaaaaaalmost out of fashion before I jump on the bandwagon. Then I wear them for 7 years straight (evidence: today's outfit).

    Did I mention you look great?

  8. Gah. I am in love with Kate Middleton. Your outfit is a great recreation. So well done!

  9. You're so snazzy!!!! I totally tried colored jeans and you pull them off infinitely better than me! We had donuts Saturday morning...such a fun treat!

  10. Great job, very Kate-esque you look great! I want a pair of red skinny jeans so bad and you just renewed that desire!
