
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Hiking at Twilight (sort of) pictures

Thanksgiving was grand. But Friday, we didn't do much. Mike worked a half day in the morning, and by the time he got home, the boys were already napping. He took Maura to the park where she amazed him with her mad, monkey bar skills. That girl takes after Mommo.

And when the boys woke up, we just kind of hung out.  Then, Mike had the genius idea to take a short hike up the hill behind our neighborhood, but it was getting kind of dark and a little chilly.  I had my doubts, but the hike was beautiful-- just one of those perfect nights.  I'll let the pictures I took speak for themselves. 



I'm not sure if I love these photos because they came out well or if it's because I love the people in the photos or if it's because I have such a fond memory of this night.  Whatever the true answer, it was one of those nights when the ordinary became just a little extraordinary.  Love those moments.
Have a great week everybody!

1 comment:

  1. When we do something simple and family oriented like this, I always go to bed feeling so thankful. Good job Mama!
