
Sunday, November 18, 2012

What I Wore Sunday-- Número Tres

Fun weekend.

Last night, I met a girlfriend that I went to high school and college with in San Francisco for a quick tour of The Beat Museum, a visit to City Lights, and some Italian seafood in North Shore. What can I say?  I had a slight obsession with Jack Kerouac and Neal Cassidy (be still my 16-year-old heart) in high school, and I was grateful that my friend was willing to indulge my teenage self with a trip to some San Francisco literary hot spots.  We were both English majors, so books & booze was how we did girls' night. Lots o' fun.

And before you call me hipster, here's proof that I'm not the only Catholic who thought berets and sunglasses were cool...

I love this poster.

Moving on.

Needless to say, I was dragging this morning when I got up, bright and early, for 8 o'clock mass. So, I put on a quick, comfy outfit.

Where's my coffee???

scarf-- Target
t-shirt-- Old Navy (years ago)
corduroy skirt-- GAP (years ago)
tights-- Target
boots-- Nordstrom
puffy eyes-- lack of sleep (Truthfully, the booze was minimal.  I'm waaay too responsible in my old age.  Neal Cassidy would never be interested in me, which is a good thing.)
Now go check out everyone else's outfits at Fine Linen and Purple.



  1. English major as well and I remember those books and booze nights haha! Love your boots.

  2. for a quick/comfy outfit, you look fantastic! Boots and a great scarf can do wonders :)

  3. quick and comfy?

    this is my "trying SUPER hard" -- you are so effortless. I love it.

    and I love those boots --- I imagine they'll be "in" for many years -- might have to copycat.

    and English majors for life :)

  4. Those boots are awesome! I love your outfit. And it looks so comfy!
    Thanks so much for joining us!

  5. Wish I looked so good when I was throwing something together real quick!!!
