
Monday, June 25, 2012

Cat Chat

cat chat family on setI hate to admit it, but I use television as a babysitter sometimes. 

In my defense, we spent the last three hours playing with friends at an indoor playgym.  The kids have been fed a healthy lunch.  The boys are napping, and my daughter (Miss Never Stops Talking) is watching Cat Chat while I squeeze some writing time in.

I just wanted to give a shoutout to Cat Chat because it is a FANTASTIC children's program.  I'd describe it as a Catholic mix of The Wiggles, the Partridge Family, & the Fresh Beat Band.  My 2 & 5 year olds LOVE the show.  It is mostly musical (performed by a Catholic family with 5 kids).  They also spend time introducing the kids to a Catholic concept (for example, The Sacraments), and they highlight a saint in each episode.  Very cool. 

Most Catholic Vacation Bible School programs are based on the show as well.  I'm disappointed Miss Never Stops Talking will miss VBS this year because we are moving.

Check out the Cat Chat website for more information and your local viewing schedule.

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