

A former English teacher, Kate is currently a stay at home mom of 3 children. In between pregnancies, she enjoys running. She also enjoys cooking and eating all kinds of food. She regularly fantasizes about co-hosting Man Versus Food. She loves to travel and is a NFP and dance party enthusiast. She is obsessed with musical theater and has always been a storyteller. She is also excellent at math.

At Mike's sister's wedding in our heavier years.

Mike is Kate's college sweetheart turned husband. After four years of dating, he decided to "put a ring on it." They have been married for 11 years. He spends his days working hard as Johnny Corporate, supporting their growing family. In his spare time, he likes to golf, watch football, and read. Many people don't realize he is a total brainiac. Kate considers him a walking encyclopedia. He is particularly knowledgeable in the areas of science and history and is a political junkie. He is also a talented artist and has the unique talent of facial recognition. When watching television or movies, he can recall any actor's resume from memory. He is also great at predicting the end of shows. These qualities both amaze and drive Kate crazy.

Miss Never Stops Talking after reading her first book independently! So proud!

Miss Never Stops Talking is our 5-year-old daughter. Well liked by everyone she meets, she is a skilled negotiator which her parents both admire and dread. Her friendliness, enthusiasm, kindness, and ability to forgive others are unrivaled, and Kate prays regularly to be more like her.

Mr. Loudest Kid Ever dressed as an angry rooster, Halloween 2011.

Mr. Loudest Kid Ever is our 2-year-old son. He has a very intense personality (and has since he was born). His sensitivity is probably only intensified by his awkward, oversized body and poor eyesight. Despite this, he is very smart and verbal for his age. He eats about 10 times a day which drives Kate crazy. His epic temper tantrums have earned him names like Toddler Terrorist. Despite the kicking and screaming, Kate is very fond of him because he gives the best hugs ever.

Baby P proudly showing off his two new teeth.

Baby P is our 1-year-old son. He is a wonderful sleeper and is generally happy (except when hungry or teething). Much like his brother, he is demanding and inconsolable when unhappy.

Our family life is crazy and busy but lots of fun.

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